Current Weight: 292.6 pounds
Pounds Lost: 3.4
Pounds Still To Lose For Goal Weight: 112.6
Progress Towards Tulum: 0 miles (approx. 3526 miles left to go)
It is kind of daunting when you step on the scale and realize you are 30 years old and well over 100 pounds overweight. This is what happened to me over the holiday break, and I knew it was time to take action. Again. I've been trying to take action ever since I topped 220 pounds after my wedding eight and a half years ago. Being six feet tall I was at my combo slimmest and healthiest sophomore year in college, when I weighed around 180 pounds. Last week I topped the scales at my biggest ever - 296 pounds - which means I have 116 pounds to lose. And I can't even blame having babies, since I don't have any yet! I'd like to, though, and soon, and so I have to start pushing myself to get fitter, healthier, and thinner for myself and my future offspring.
I'm trying a multi-pronged approach based on semi-successful (obviously not FULLY successful weight-loss attempts in the past.)
- Weekly entries on this anonymous blog, showing current weight, weight lost/gained, weight still to be lost, and progress towards Tulum, Mexico (I love the beach) on stationary bike.
- Daily entries in my trusty composition book which is still somewhat secret but known to my husband, B.
- Daily entries on so I can better track my calorie/fat/carb/salt intake.
- Daily bike rides on a stationary bike (purchased from today!) with the ultimate goal of "biking" to Tulum, Mexico. B and I have agreed that when I reach my destination mileage, we will actually go to Tulum to celebrate! It's approximately 3,526 miles, but I figure even if I get there when I'm 40, it will be worth taking the physical trip out there.
- Healthy food and 8 c of water a day without too much guilt or hunger or anxiety.
Although I probably shouldn't eat half a pizza. I'll keep that in mind going forward.
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