Monday, March 9, 2009

The First Backslide and "Comfort Food" Gone Wild


Current Weight: 293.2 pounds

Pounds Lost: 2.8
Pounds Still To Lose For Goal Weight: 113.2
Progress Towards Tulum: 43.2 miles (approx. 3483 miles left to go)
Measurements: Waist (3" above belly button) 38" // Hips 57" // Neck 14"

So this month was a complete backslide. All of my careful menu planning of January was blasted away in a month of (a) two outpatient surgeries on my legs, (b) a good friend's husband slipping into a potentially irreversible coma, and (c) my stepfather being hospitalized for half a week for an infection pretending to be heart issues. "Comfort food" took on a whole new meaning as B. and I rushed home every day to snuggle away the terror of losing each other in a wave of chicken fingers, buffalo sauce, blue cheese and soda. End result? I'm back over 290 pounds, hobbling around on recovering legs, and have consumed so many calories in the past month I'll probably be nominated for some sort of record. The most I've "cooked" over the last month has been toast and reheating canned soup. Time to get back on track! My surgeries are over, my stepdad is fine, my friend's situation is what it is (whether I'm 200 or 290 pounds) and my life has to get back to normal now. Today I will begin tracking my food again (oh, yeah, that fell by the wayside, too) and maybe I can pull this careful work out of the crapper before I'm saying hello to 296 again...